• A couple of euro multiplied by lots of warm hearts = a child's hope of health regaining

    Mercy does not cost a lot

  • Charity fund "Faith, Hope, Love"

    Was established to help ill children and for their treatment abroad

Frequently asked questions

  • How can I find out that my donation has helped the sick child?

    Our charity is reporting about every child on the First Baltic channel in “social news”, on our Facebook page and on our website. You can find out more by calling on +37125660365.

  • What if there are not enough funds for child treatment?

    Child will receive all needed help within the time specified in the contract. The fund has sponsors who will pay for the treatment in this kind of situation.

  • How do you select hospital for child treatment?

    After contacting our fund child has consultation in St. Petersburg and basing on the consultation, the hospital where the help will be provided is selected. Our fund has made agreements with all the leading St. Petersburg hospitals.

How can You help?

  • Share information in soc. networks

    Share this information to tell other people about children who need help!

  • Donate to foundation

    Donation will be used to help the child that was unfortunate enough not to collect required sum of money

  • Donate to certain child

    If there is a certain child that you have sympathy for, you can donate directly to him/her by pressing “Donate” on this child project page


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